Get a fucking grip. Seriously, you are probably not going to meet The One immediately. Or maybe ever. Fuck, who even made up the rule that there would be one person for everyone? Maybe, there are several people who are meant to come into your life, for a period of time, and make you happy.
And maybe that period of time is just an evening, or a month. Maybe it's a year, or twenty. Who knows? Why are we forcing things? Why narrow your world view so much? I don't fucking understand it.
Anyway, the fact that your whole profile goes on and on (and fucking on) about how you're looking for The One, or someone to take care of, or spoil, or whatever, is 1) pathetic and 2) a huge turn off to any girl actually worth meeting.
Think about it. You say you want a girl to spend your time with, and maybe marry (big mistake, btw) and raise a family with (don't even get me started), and that's fine. If that's what you have decided you want, then ok, I guess I get it. To each his own. But really, what guy wants to fucking take care of their wife for the rest of their life? I mean ultimately, don't you want an independent girl who can go out with her friends while you stay home and look at porn or go over to your buddy's house and do whatever it is you do? Because I sure as shit don't want to date, let alone marry, someone who only has me to give them a reason to be, and I can't say I've met a lot of men who want that, either. Maybe you're inexperienced, and you think you want it? But I guarantee you, as soon as you experience it for, like, an hour... you will change your mind.
Let's just get real here, before I vomit all over my computer at your cheesy, codependent, grossly romantic, unrealistic view of things. State what you're looking for, but please man up and understand that sometimes, it's just not going to happen. We may exchange a few messages; maybe we'll meet, maybe we won't. When I don't return your message after a few days, it's probably because I'm not interested, but it might be because I'm fucking busy.
And ultimately, if you're looking for the kind of girl that I described above (the one whose moon and sun revolve around you so much that it's suffocating), you will be glad that we stopped communicating. And if you're looking for the kind of girl that I am (one who doesn't put too much stock in brief exchanges, and won't be offended if you never text me again... because I'm BUSY, and I have a life), then you'll understand and probably appreciate when it takes me a minute to respond.
But p.s.? If I stop responding... or don't return your initial message? Don't try again, because I'm not fucking interested. And please don't send me a message asking me why I'm not responding, or what it is about you that I didn't like, because you won't like the answer. What don't I like about you? Chances are, the answer is YOU.
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